Research Long Term Boards

Research Initiative on Long Term Boards

We are conducting an Academic Research of Boards Governance of Disruptions and Practices for Long Term Value Creation.

The research is conducted by Professor Mats Magnusson and PhD Student and Board Member Henrik Forzelius at Royal Institute of Technology, Professor Stanislav Shekshnia at INSEAD and Chair, NED, Affiliated Researcher Liselotte Engstam, Digoshen and Boards Impact Forum, and the Board Evaluation company BoardClic.


We explore experiences and perspectives of the boards role regarding emerging trends developing into disruptions, and board practices regarding sensing, strategic pivot’s and resource alignment. We are in particular looking at disruptions like covid, the war, sustainability and AI, fast disruptions or long term disruptions with a tipping point.

The survey includes literature research, a survey and deep dive interviews with practitioner Board Professionals, analysis, article,  chapter writing and dissemination via different presentations.

The research will be documented by the lead researchers as a separate chapter in a forthcoming book on Corporate Governance in a Turbulent Time edited by Professor Jonas Gabrielsson, Halmstad University and Professor Wafa Khlif, TBS Education.

Join the Survey

Welcome to join the survey, it will take approximately 15 min, all data is held confidential. At the end of the survey get an opportunity to opt in to receive a summary report from the survey, and get a link to two articles on board practices for Corporate Renewal and Long Term Value Creation.

First insights

A first insight summary was shared at a webinar held by Boards Impact Forum in May and it was summerized in this blogpost on Key takeaways on Long Term Board Practices .


Contact person for the Research Initiative is Henrik Forzelius, you can reach him at forz (at), or contact any of the other researchers via their LinkedIn profiles.