
Digoshen Board and Leadership Research Engagements

Digoshen Founders Liselotte Engstam Google Scholar Profile 


Updating of research and the book AI Leadership for Boards (2024 and ongoing)

Building on the previous academic research and book AI Leadership for Boards, additional research and expansion of book performed by Professor Robin Teigland, Chalmers University of Technology, together with Digoshen Founder Liselotte Engstam and Fernanda Torre, Visiting teacher at Stockholm School of Economics.


Long Term Boards – Boards Governance of disruptions and long term value creation (2023 and ongoing)


In collaboration with INSEAD Professor Stanislav Shekshnia,  KTH Professor Mats Magnusson, PhD Doctorate Henrik Forzelius and Affiliated Researcher Digoshen Founder Liselotte Engstam. 

More about the research can be found HERE

Research is ongoing and will be being summarised in a chapter in a forth coming book on Corporate Governance in a Turbulent Era.




Boards Cyber Security Scorecard (2023 and ongoing)

In collaboration with MIT Dr Keri Pearlson and Affiliated Researcher Digoshen Founder Liselotte Engstam. Research is ongoing, part of it has contributed to an article in Wall Stree Journal and broader summary will be summarised in a separate article during the autumn. 


Summary of article in The Wall Street Journal March 13 2024 “As Boards Focus More on Cybersecurity, Are They Missing One of the Biggest Threats?” by Jeffrey Proudfoot and Keri Pearlson;

Board members, responsible for overseeing cybersecurity, might be the weakest link in an organization’s defenses. Many companies fail to adequately prepare directors to anticipate and respond to cyberattacks targeting them, and directors often use insecure communication methods and lack personal cybersecurity training.

Key Recommendations – Adapt cybersecurity education and training for directors, including customized tabletop exercises and phishing simulations. Provide personal consulting with security experts to ensure directors are well-prepared and integrated into the organization’s security plans.

Link to Article HERE  



StrateGAIze: A Study on How Generative AI Can Support Board Decision-Making in Strategic Matters (2024)

Digoshen Founder Liselotte Engstam contributed to and mentored “StrateGAIze: A Study on How Generative AI Can Support Board Decision-Making in Strategic Matters” by Filip Andersson and Elton Carlsson, supervised by Professor Jonas Gabrielsson, Halmstad University. Master Thesis to be released in June 2024


Dynamic Board Capabilities: Developing Board Practices that impact Corporate Renewal and Performance  (2024)

A peer reviewed academic paper, “Board Dynamic Capabilities: Developing Board Practices that impact Corporate Renewal and Performance” published in a special issue of the Journal of Risk Management dedicated to Corporate Governance and the Board.

The documented research has been done in multi-year research projects Osiris and SISU Boards mentioned below, and collaboration between Professor Ludo van Der Heyden INSEAD & IMD, Professor Mats Magnusson and Doctoral Student Henrik Forzelius from Royal Institute of Technology, Affiliated Researcher Fernanda Torre, CEO Next Agent, Partner Digoshen and Operations Director Boards Impact Forum and Liselotte Engstam, Affiliated Researcher, Chair Digoshen and Chair Boards Impact Forum.

Related Paper

More about the research and the paper can be found HERE and HERE



Boards guidance on Innovation and Corporate Renewal (incl Sustainability)  (2019-2024)

Academic Research, including two Vinnova co-funded project SISU Boards, led by KTH Professor Mats Magnusson, including INSEAD Professor Ludo van der Heyden and Digoshen Founder Liselotte Engstam and later involvement of Affiliated Researcher Fernanda Torre addressing how boards strategically address the innovation and renewal challenge in more effective ways. Building on previous research 207-19 OSIRIS – Innovation and Corporate Renwal also Disrupt Boards.



During June 2019-ongoign 2023 additional interviews and board workshops was added, as well as insight from a board evaluation company adding 200 board survey data, and additional education and survey insights including statistical analysis. A specific focus on revisiting Sustainability has been added both in survey and literature research.


The findings indicate that while boards are aware of the importance of corporate renewal and innovation, few has insights into how the board can drive corporate renewal, nor have they implemented a structure approach to govern innovation. The key capabilities boards needs to refine are Sensing of trends and market insight also outside of company insights, Pivoting of the company strategic direction and inititiavies in a timely manor and Aligning the company resources in ambitious manors. The statistical analysis has proven the critical connection between boards Sense, Pivot and Alignment capabilities with Firm results.

Related Books, Papers and Articles

 “Corporate Renewal and Sustainability” (blogpost)

Create and believe in the future with INSEAD professor Nathan Furr” (related blogpost)

A detailed working paper documenting the research has been published 2024


Learnings from Nordic Boards (2022)

An academic research exploring the key differentiating traits of Nordic Boards led by INSEAD Professor Stansilav Shekshnia, together with affiliated research Steen Buchreitz Jensen and Affiliated Research Digoshen Founder Liselotte Engstam.


What the world can learn from Nordic Boards”  (Article)


Boards AI Leadership (2018-2021)


An academic research project co-funded by Vinnova and led by Professor Robin Teigland, Chalmers University of Technology, together with Digoshen Founder Liselotte Engstam and Fernanda Torre, Visiting teacher at Stockholm School of Economics. Two Partners included the companies Combient and FCG. The research included a broad literature review which covered both academic research and a broad range of reports from corporate sources. Surveys with more than 800 board members from Digoshen surveys, and in-depth interviews were done with forty board members, including from our participating companies and their networks, and in addition with  global experts, two board workshops with 60 board members including surveys were held.

The findings indicate that while boards are aware of the importance of Al implementation as a key competitive advantage,  they will need to develop two competence areas to successfully steward their firms into an Al-based future: [1] guiding Al operational capability and [2] supervising Al governance capability.

Foto above of 4boards research participants including Digoshen Founder Liselotte Engstam, Combient Chair Tom Johnstone and Professor Robin Teigland.

Related Books, Papers and Articles

The Book “AI Leadership for Boards, the future of Corporate Governance”  (Book)

 “Ai Leadership for boards – now a reality”  (Blogpost and recording)

How Boards Impact and are impacted by AI” (Blogpost)

4BoardsAI” (website)


Leading Chairman Board Practices (2019-2021)

An academic research led by INSEAD Professor Stansilav Shekshnia, where 18 experts, from 14 European countries, including Digoshen Founder Liselotte Engstam, interviewed more than 300 chairs, CEOs, directors and shareholders to detect and compare specific practices and instruments that chairs use to deal with various challenges. Researchers also assessed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the work of chairs and the boards they lead. The research included mainly incumbent chairs but also directors, shareholders, CEOs  in developing a systemic understanding of the work of a chair in the European business context and gaining insights into how the leader of the board deals with specific challenges.

Related Books, Papers and Articles

Leading a Board: Chairs’ Practices across Europe” (Book)

How to be a Good Board Chair” (Article)

Modern Chair Practices: What makes an effective board chair”  (Blogpost)

Leading a Board, What makes an effective chair” (Article)

Chair Best Practice Exchange” (Blogpost)


Boards guidance on Innovation and Corporate Renewal (incl Sustainability)  (2017-2019)

Academic Research, including Vinnova co-funded projects OSIRIS led by KTH Professor Mats Magnusson, including INSEAD Professor Ludo van der Heyden and Digoshen Founder Liselotte Engstam, and  including Ass Prof Magnus Karlsson, addressing how boards strategically address the innovation and renewal challenge in more effective ways.

During June 2017-May 2019 extensive literature studies. Interviews with board members and guiding participating boards in implementing the results. The literature review covered both academic research and a broad range of reports from corporate sources as advisors and auditors. In-depth interviews were done with fifty board members and experts globally, four board workshops with 120 board members including surveys were held. Insights was added from board education programs at both INSEAD and Swedish Academy of Board Directors, as well as webinar insights from INSEAD Directors Network.


Related Books, Papers and Articles

 “Innovation and Corporate renewal also disrupt boards” (Academic Paper)


Digital Capability & Leadership  (Since 2015 – 2024)




Digoshen Survey & Research. Digital business capability and digital leadership capability positioning development.  Assessing both company and individual leader capability and linking to proven improvement practices, aligning with other research including fr0m MIT. 



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