Leaders and boards are increasingly pressed to get updated and make fast decisions in this rapidly changing complex world. And in the age of uncertainty, we all need inspiration.
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then you are a leader” – John Quincy Adams
In a recent article at INSEAD Knowledge, they pointed out that leadership is still considered the ability to show the way, to lead in an enlightened way.
At Digoshen our ambition is to amplify the voices and impact of purpose-driven leaders, which is needed to unleash the ocean of digital business opportunites to create a better world. We therefore serve our leaders on a quarterly basis, providing a list of a dozen relevant podcasts from areas as leadership, digital innovation and sustainability.
In the early spring of 2020 our “Digoshen recommends” list of curated podcasts include podcasts as “The Disruptive Voice” from Harvard, ”Social-Engineering Podcast“, “Inevitable: The Future of Work”, “Insead Knowledge“ and “A16z” from Andressen & Horowitz. And don’t miss to learn from history with, inspite the title, quite funny “You are dead to me”. Podcasts are a great way to quickly and easily consume valuable insights.
Listen to Podcasts on your smartphone.
Photo: Pixabay
More on how to listen, find and organize your podcasts, you find in the blogpost How smart leaders get ahead finding and organising podcasts.
We also share curated podcasts lists in areas as “Boards & Governance Podcasts” but also on topics as leadership, future of work, innovation and more, which you all find. Explore the podcasts and let us know what you think. You find them and more inspiring podcasts at Digoshen Recommended Podcasts
These posts are shared both on the blog of Digoshen www.digoshen.com. as well as on the blog of www.liselotteengstam.com.
At Digoshen we work hard to remove #digitalblindspots. We believe that Companies, Boards and Business Leadership Teams need to understand more of the digital world to fully leverage the potential when bringing their business into the digital age.
To understand where you and your company stand in relation to digital business and leadership progress, take our survey at Digoshen.com/research and get a free of charge personalized report with recommendations on how to move forward. The survey is anonymous and takes about 15 minutes to complete.
You will find more insights via Digoshen Website and welcome to follow us on LinkedIn: Digoshen Our Founder Liselotte Engstam and our Impact Partners Leif Fågelstedt, Pia Gideon, Fennemiek Gommer, Håkan Österberg, Christina Lindstedt, Katy Caroan
Twitter: @digoshen , our Founder @liseeng and our impact partners @FennemiekGommer , @katycaroan